
Con­ti­nuing the long family tra­di­tion, we are spe­cia­lized in the inter­na­tional com­merce of high qua­lity 100% natural raw bees honey clas­si­fied by floral origin and color.

We are con­stantly see­king oppor­tu­ni­ties to enlarge our honey assort­ment by taking the chan­ging demands of our cus­to­mers and the varying use of honey into account.

We have a variety of honeys for you in our assort­ment. Among others: dzid­zilche, tahonal, jabín, orange, cam­pa­nita, high­land, forest, moun­tain , wild­flower, ulmo, euca­lyptus, peumo, mes­quite, avo­cado, mango, coffee, hazelnut.

These honey types are sourced from the fol­lo­wing count­ries: Mexico, Gua­te­mala, El Sal­vador, Hon­duras, Nica­ragua, Argen­tina, Uru­guay, Brazil and Chile.