
We under­stand the important role qua­lity con­trol plays in the honey industry. The­r­e­fore, we have deve­loped and estab­lished pro­ce­dures beyond the legal requi­re­ments in order to gua­rantee the deli­very of high qua­lity pro­ducts and fully satisfy our cus­to­mers´ needs.

For example, we have set up our own labo­ra­to­ries in most of the count­ries of origin where we employ highly skilled and well trained staff working with state of the art equipment.

In these faci­li­ties, we ana­lyze the qua­lity of pro­duce deli­vered by local bee­kee­pers and ack­now­ledge only those as our sup­pliers who repea­tedly pro­vide hig­hest qua­lity honey.

In addi­tion, we col­la­bo­rate with an inde­pen­dent labo­ra­tory in Ger­many that con­firms the honey qua­lity before the lots are shipped to our customers.