
With the objec­tive to achieve a respectful and mutually bene­fi­cial tre­at­ment of nature and its gifts, we offer free trai­ning in envi­ron­mental aspects regar­ding pro­fes­sional bee­kee­ping, and sup­port the imple­men­ta­tion of balanced methods in natural surroundings.

We are com­mitted to the ongoing deve­lo­p­ment of our bee­kee­pers and their fami­lies in order for them to accom­plish a secure long-term living.

In coope­ra­tion with local govern­ments, we are also actively involved in deve­lo­ping qua­lity con­trol and trai­ning pro­grams for bee­kee­pers to assure their com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness in the long term.

The remar­kably close rela­ti­onship we have estab­lished with our cus­to­mers is based on mutual trust and honesty. The deli­very of a high qua­lity pro­duct at very com­pe­ti­tive prices, our pro­fes­sio­na­lism and per­sonal ser­vice are some of the attri­butes afforded to our customers.

Our trade part­ners benefit from our deep under­stan­ding of the South Ame­rican bee­kee­ping industry and cul­tures and from our con­ti­nuous effort to foster the direct contact to local beekeepers.