1960年代にチアパス州、メキシコで農業・漁業において長官としての立場を維持しながら、創設者ゴットホルト・ボイテルスパッヒャー氏(Gotthold Beutelspacher)はこの産業についての深遠な理解を得ることを認めた地元の養蜂家と密接に働いてました。
養蜂家の活動や地域のハチミツの優れた品質に触発され、ボイテルスパッヒャー氏はチアパス州からの蜂蜜を輸出し、かつ地方養蜂産業の開発を促進する目的で、1980年に「Productos Naturales del Campo(草原の天産物)」を創立しました。
メキシコでの好調な成長の直後、イングリッド・ボイテルスパッヒャー夫人(Ingrid Beutelspacher)は、もっとも重要な市場が位置するベルリン・ドイツにて販売会社、アピミエル有限会社(Apimiel GmbH)を開業しました。
Ingrid Beutelspacher, born 1968 in Chiapas, Mexico, as daughter of Gotthold Beutelspacher and Alma de la Torre, is the managing director of Apimiel GmbH in Berlin. She was a rotary exchange student 1986 in Centralia, Washington USA during the academic year 1985–1986. With a scholarship from the prestigious University ITESM Campus Cuernavaca in Mexico, she graduated in 1990 at the age of 20 as industrial engineer with the highest average notes of her generation. She received the award of Diario de Mexico: “Best Students of Mexico”. With another scholarship from the DAAD, Ingrid Beutelspacher studied Business Engineering and Food Technology at the TU in Berlin.
- 1995 — 2000 she was a shareholder of Apimiel S.A. de C.V. in Chiapas, Mexico. In the year 2000 Mrs. Beutelspacher founded Apimiel GmbH in Berlin.
- 2003 — 2009 she was on the board of the International Honey Organization, which she chaired from 2009–2013.
- Since 1996 she has been an active member of the National Honey Packers and Dealers Association in the USA.
Ms. Beutelspacher is a founding member of the non-profit environmental organization Yucatan Silvestre A.C. in Valladolid, Yucatan
Eager like the bees — led by Gotthold Beutelspacher, Hermann, Luis and Erika Beutelspacher work together with a professional team in cooperation with beekeepers. „We are proud to be able to offer our customers in more than 20 countries in harmony with nature, the world’s most aromatic honey in organic quality and to the highest standards. This creates jobs and prosperity for beekeepers in Mexico and preserves biodiversity”.